Make a Donation
There are several specific needs you can help:
if you give $25 for Seeds you have helped a family with seeds, a machete, and 2 files for the next planting season.
if you give $50 for a Chuch planter you helped provide a month's support for a young pastor as he and his family plant a church in new village.
if you give $100 for Bibles you have helped purchase 20 Bibles for new believers.
1. Send a check made out to Nica Team or Ethio Team with a memo for the designation:
Nica Team or Ethio Team
7801 CR 1405
Athens, TX 75751
2. Give online through Missionary Ventures International @ www.mvi.org/give-to-disaster-relief. These funds will be administered by Nica Team.
3. Give online by clicking on the Donate button below.
Pray with Us
Pray for people affected by Hurricane Iota that they will have hearts of generosity with each other and calm in the chaos.
Pray for God's care and protection from the elements caused by the storms.
Pray for the hungry children that God's people will provide food.
Pray for those who are responding to provide food and shelter that they will have strength and love.
Pray that God will equip the churches and leaders as they minister in Christ's name.
Pray that Jesus will be shared with people and that they will respond to his love and forgiveness.
Pray for government leaders and leaders of agencies providing relief and assistance to those in need, to have strength and tender hearts in the midst of great suffering.
Share the Need with your Church or a Friend
NICA TEAM is a partnership between churches and individuals who desire to partners with churches and believers in Nicaragua. As you share the need with others, you allow them to partner with us in sharing the love of Christ and partnering with our Nicaraguan brothers and sister.
You can help by sharing this need with your church, Sunday school class, small group, and friends. Share with your church and bring others into the circle of help. This is an effective way of contributing to growing the Kingdom of God in Nicaragua and Honduras.